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Scalable Production of Iron Oxide Nanowhiskers
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Characterization of Nanofibrillated Cellulose Produced From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fibers (OPEFB) Using Ultrasound
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Effect of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Mechanical Properties of Concrete
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Pristine Graphene Aerogels by Room-Temperature Freeze Gelation
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Chirality dependent corona phase molecular recognition of DNA-wrapped carbon nanotubes
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In Vitro Enhancement of Mouse T Helper 2 Cell Sensitization to Ovalbumin Allergen by Carbon Black Nanoparticles
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Enhanced Evaporation Strength through Fast Water Permeation in Graphene-Oxide Deposition
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Nanostructured lipid system as a strategy to improve the anti-Candida albicans Activity of Astronium sp.
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Mechanically Sintered Gallium-Indium Nanoparticles
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Self-assembled 2D WSe2 thin films for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production
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PLGA Nanoparticles Formed by Single- or Double-emulsion with Vitamin E-TPGS
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Solvothermal Synthesis of Hierarchical Eu2O3 Nanostructures Templated by PS-b-PMAA: Morphology Control via Simple Variation of Water Content
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Gelsolin Amyliodogenesis Is Effectively Modulated by Curcumin and Emetine Conjugated PLGA Nanoparticles
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Nanofibrillated Cellulose (NFC): A High-Value Co-Product that improves the Economics of Cellulosic Ethanol Production
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Preparation and Characterization of Carbon Nanofluids by Using a Revised Water-Assisted Synthesis Method
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Miscanthus Giganteus: A commercially viable sustainable source of cellulose nanocrystals
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Liquid exfoliated Graphene: A Practical Method for Increasing Loading and Producing Thin Films
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Structural and Optical Properties of Smooth Surface TCO Thin Films Deposited on Different-Sized Staked Nanoparticle Layers for Window Electrode of Thin Film Si Solar Cells
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Anatase Titanium Dioxide Coated Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Manufactured by Sonochemical-Hydrothermal Technique
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Graphene via Sonication assisted liquid-phase exfoliation
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Aggregation State of Fullerene Nanoparticles: Implications for Reactivity, Transport, and Microbial Toxicity
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Arrays of single-walled carbon nanotubes with full surface coverage for high-performance electronics
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Combining Portable Raman Probes with Nanotubes for Theranostic Applications
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Natural bioadhesive biodegradeable nanoparticles-based topical Ophthalmic formulations for sustained celecoxib release: In vitro Study
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Nanoscale infiltration behavior and through-thickness permeability Of carbon nanotube buckypapers
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Production of Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Sugarcane Bagasse
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Silver Nanoparticles Compromise Neurodevelopment in PC12 Cells: Critical Contributions of Silver Ion, Particle Size, Coating and Composition
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Stability of metal oxide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions
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Toughening in Graphene Ceramic Composites
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Surface coating of multi-walled carbon nanotube nanopaper on shape-memory polymer for multifunctionalization
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